Sunday, December 14, 2008

Recipes From Cookie Swap

Post your cookie recipe from the December 17th cookie swap here.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How Have You Simplified at Christmastime?

Please leave a comment to this post and share ideas you or someone you know has used to simplify at Christmas. How have you made Christmas less stressful? What things have helped you and/or your family/friends to focus more on Christ and the true meaning of Christmas? Are there any traditions that have assisted you in this?

We are also looking for a few people who would be willing to share their thoughts (for about 2min) at the Enrichment Meeting on December 10th. Commenting her does not obligate you to speak, so don't worry! We will incorporate the ideas shared here into our program on the 10th.

Thank you!
-the C2 RS Enrichment Board

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tess Conell is in need of a dogsitter the week of Thanksgiving.
Wed - Sun of Thanksgiving week she needs someone to take care of her dog.
"He's a senior and has to go out slightly more often, plus he'd do a lot better if he were not left alone for 5 days, so having a pet sitter stop by is not a great solution for me. All the kennels I've contacted are full already. I thought if anyone has a kid coming home from college or someone needs extra beds for incoming guests, I'm more than willing to let them stay at my place as long as they're willing to feed & walk my dog. Anyone interested should call me or email tesseract2002 at verizon dot net"

edited to correct email

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Play at the Park Party

The last outdoor Playgroup will be this Thursday Oct. 30th at Becky Garcia's
home from 10:00-noon. Drinks and Spooky Treats provided. Bring a lunch and
something to share. Come join us for some Halloween fun!
Interested in doing an indoor playgroup, perhaps less frequently? Comment here or come discuss at the party.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Recipe Swap: Crock Pot Recipes

Here is the place to post recipes from the recipe swap. Or even if you didn't come, you can feel free to share your favorite crock pot recipe.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

October Enrichment Meeting- Simple Service Auction

Our next Enrichment Meeting will be October 8 at 7pm at the church. A children's class will be provided. We will be having a service auction. How will this work? Sisters can fill out a coupon card (or multiple if you wish!) with a service to be provided. Examples include: babysitting, a jar of your famous salsa, a ride somewhere, dinner, cookies, a piano lesson, or sewing. It can be something you bring that night (like a cake) or something you would provide at a later time (like window washing). It doesn't have to be something huge. Young Women or Young Men who would like to offer a service are also welcome to do so. You can still offer a service for auction even if you can't be there that evening.
On the 8th we will also have extra coupons to fill out for those who didn't get a chance.
At the beginning of our Enrichment Meeting everyone will get points based on a list of questions about things you've done during the day or week- like "did you make your bed today?" The points will be what you use to make bids.
We will also have light refreshments to enjoy during the evening.
If anyone would like to share any service ideas (or requests ;) please post them in the comments.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Recipe Swap: Mouthwatering Marinade Madness

Mouthwatering Marinade Madness!
August 20th, 7pm at Michelle Dye's
Bring 1 to 2 lbs of uncooked, already marinated meat (any kind is fine) and be prepared for a great grilling gathering!
Post your recipe here in the comments or bring it along that night.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Giving Away- Summer Edition

Old posts that were about events that have passed have been deleted. Here is a new place to post things you are giving away. I'll try to keep these kind of posts up top for comments to be seen. I'll do a new set in the fall to keep them current. You can contact me directly if there isn't a good place to post something you'd like to post. -Meg

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fun Stuff- Summer Edition

There are free story times at the Chick-fil-A restaurants on Dobbin Rd and on Center Park Dr. Dobbin Rd is Tuesdays at 10am, Center Park Dr is Mondays at 10am going on through August 19th. There is usually some kind of giveaway involved with this.

Feel free to share any other fun free (or nearly free) activities you know about going on this summer.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The New Q&A Post

The old question and answer post got pushed off the front page, so here is a new one. Post your question or answer in the comments.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sensational Summer Salad Recipes

Here's the place to post your sensational summer salad recipe

Sunday, May 18, 2008

30 Minute Meal Recipes

Here is the place to post recipes from the recent recipe swap- 30 Minute Meal Recipes. Feel free to post your recipe even if you weren't able to attend.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Meeting for Playgroups

While we no longer have an "official" playgroup, there are still a few of us who would like to get together with other sisters and kids in the ward. I've been occasionally sending out emails to those whose emails I have inviting people to join me going to the playground or something. I'll probably continue to do that on occasion. I would like to make sure that everyone who might be interested is included. If you are interested in getting emails you can comment here or send me an email at capizziricks at yahoo dot com (turn at into @, turn dot com into .com, omit spaces). Cassandra Hancock and I decided to set up a weekly playdate at Rockburn Park Playground on Thursdays between about 10am and noon (times might change when it starts getting really hot). We'd like to invite anyone else who'd like to come.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Places to Go

We live in an area surrounded by many fun and interesting places- Historical sites, museums, amusement parks, zoos, beaches, mountains, and everything in between. Where do you and/or your family like to go? Is this destination good for adults? families? small children? teens? people with limited mobility? How far away is it? Price range- free? $, $$, $$$, etc? Also, if you went somewhere and wouldn't recommend it feel free to share that and why.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Addiction Recovery Program

The LDS Family Services' Addiction Recovery Program will held in our Stake Center starting on Sunday, February 10th. Meetings will be held each Sunday at 7:00 pm in the Stake Center nursery room.

Individuals seeking to overcome any type of addiction are invited to attend the meetings along with their family and friends. Church leaders are also invited to attend to learn more about the program. If you have questions about the program please contact Elder James Bushman (sayhey1952 @ yahoo. com). The church's website also contains more information:,11664,6629-1,00.html

Program Manual (English)

Manual de Programa (Spanish)

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Post a recipe or request a recipe from someone else. Some ideas- that salad from last Enrichment, the soups from Craft Night, food storage recipes...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Giving Away

Post a comment here if you have something you're giving away.