Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stake Relief Society Women's Conference- THIS Saturday.

Dear Sisters,

We wanted to send out one last reminder about our special Columbia Stake women's conference, "Embrace Our Purpose." The fun begins this Saturday at 8 a.m. with a walk, which will be cancelled in case of rain.Opening exercises will begin promptly at 9 a.m., and our own President Mitchell will address us at that time. Two class periods will follow. The luncheon will begin at 11:30, and two class periods will follow lunch. Our service project will be ongoing throughout the day. Nice casual dress is requested.

This conference is open to ALL sisters in our stake, neighbors or friends, and graduating Laurels may attend with their mothers. Please know you are invited to attend even if you didn't get a chance to register online for the classes.

If you have any questions, and for a detailed schedule of the day, please visitcolumbiastakers.blogspot.com.

See you Saturday!

Deon Tait
Stake Relief Society President

Free Compost Bins and Rain Barrels!

Howard County is giving away free compost bins and free rain barrels
for Howard County residents. Anyone is welcome to attend the
composting workshops regardless of residency. Here's a link for a
flier with details on what, where and when.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Annual C2 Play Group Easter Egg Hunt

Please join us for our Annual (unofficial) C2 Play Group Easter Egg Hunt!

Tuesday, April 19 (we'll reschedule if the weather is uncooperative)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Danelle De Graw's house

1. A snack or treat to share
2. 1 dozen eggs per child--candy, toy, or real eggs are all OK

Preschoolers and school-aged children are all welcome to participate in the Easter Egg Hunt, and everyone is welcome to come socialize and play!
