Saturday, March 16, 2013

Relief Society Birthday Dinner

The Relief Society Birthday Dinner was a big success! Thank you to all those who helped put this great event together, all those who made cakes, and all those who came. We missed those of you who couldn't make it -- hopefully you can make it next year!

Here are a few of the highlights...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Seneca Stake Preparedness Fair

The Seneca Stake is putting on a Preparedness Fair this Saturday:

Below is a schedule of classes for the Preparedness Fair on Saturday,16 March 2013.  It runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  It will be held at 18900 Kingsview Road in Germantown, MD. If you would like a copy of the class schedule you can email or click on the image below to enlarge.

There will be an assortment of 20 and 50 minute classes, from 5 to 7 every hour to choose from.  The classes will be on a variety of subjects related to preparedness and self-reliance. 

There will also be snacks available to purchase.

The fair is free and open to the public. Everyone is welcome, and encouraged to invite friends and neighbors.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Looking Ahead: Temple Trips and Family History Classes

Here is the schedule for our Relief Society Temple Trips and Family History Classes for the next six months. Please mark these dates on your calendar and join us!

  • April 17 (Wed.) 11:00 am temple session (meet at the church at 9:45 am)
  • May 23 (Thurs.) 10:00 temple session (meet at the church at 8:45 am)
  • June 12 (Wed.) family history class from 9:30-12:00 (meet in the Family History Center in the lower level of the church)
  • July----(summer break)
  • August ----(summer break)
  • September 25 (Wed.) 10:00 am temple session (meet at church at 8:45 am)
If you have questions please ask Shawntel McPhie (