Sunday, April 20, 2008

Meeting for Playgroups

While we no longer have an "official" playgroup, there are still a few of us who would like to get together with other sisters and kids in the ward. I've been occasionally sending out emails to those whose emails I have inviting people to join me going to the playground or something. I'll probably continue to do that on occasion. I would like to make sure that everyone who might be interested is included. If you are interested in getting emails you can comment here or send me an email at capizziricks at yahoo dot com (turn at into @, turn dot com into .com, omit spaces). Cassandra Hancock and I decided to set up a weekly playdate at Rockburn Park Playground on Thursdays between about 10am and noon (times might change when it starts getting really hot). We'd like to invite anyone else who'd like to come.