Sunday, February 8, 2009

Enrichment Meetings, Activities, and Groups

What is the difference between Enrichment Meetings and Enrichment Activities?

We have four Enrichment Meetings each year. They are for all Relief Society Sisters. A children's class is provided during Enrichment Meetings. There is always an Enrichment Meeting to celebrate the Relief Birthday in March.

All other enrichment events are called "activities" and are for sisters with a common interest. We strive to have a variety of different activities so that all can participate, however, because of their more specialized nature, no one activity may appeal to all sisters and that is okay. There may be an activity in any month that there is not an Enrichment Meeting, but there doesn't have to be.

Enrichment Groups are a means for sisters with common interests to get together more often than for just one activity. Playgroup and Bookclub are two examples. These groups are run by the sisters in them according to what the needs and wants of the group are. Anyone who sees a need and would like to start up a group is welcome to.

The current Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment Program provides us a lot of flexibility to tailor what we do to the needs of the sisters in our ward.
The Enrichment board welcomes any feedback you may have about Enrichment in our ward.

Enrichment Meeting Dates for 2009
January 14th - Visiting Teaching Conference
March 11th - Relief Society Birthday Celebration
September 9th - TBA
December 9th - Christmas Event