Sunday, February 19, 2012

Senior Sister Missionary Nola Hatch on TV

We had the senior sister missionary Nola Hatch from a few years ago in our ward. There is a great TV episode filmed on her and her family. For those of you who know her, might enjoy the episod.

Hi Friends,this email is from Nola Hatch's [Sister Hatch] daughter-in-law.

Hello Everyone,
Our Family reunion was filmed in July 2011 as part of the "Getting Away Together" PBS TV show. The 26 minute Oceanside episode is available to view online at
Click on Oceanside to see our 26 minute show. There is also a 3 minute teaser.

Our family will also be featured in "The Best Beach Destinations" episode which will be available online at the above website beginning 3/28/2012.

Here is a link which lists the PBS member stations that are presently airing the series. You can find your station and check your local listings for air times. It is updated as stations are added.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Washington DC Cannery Sign Up

Sorry for creating so many posts today, but if I don't do it when my mind it in the mode then I forget.

I created a sign up if you are interested in getting into a group to go to the cannery.  Here is a little bit of information. . . The cannery is open on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 8-3.  On the sign up sheet, there are areas for you to put when you are available, if you can drive or need a ride, if you would rather not go, but would watch the kids of others in your group and they will pick up your food etc.

The cannery can take individuals or groups of up to 5.  You can only can the stuff that they have there. So you are not able to bring your own food in to have canned.  (We can get the stake mylar sealer for that stuff at a future date. So if you are interested in that let me know and I'll find out how to get it).  If you are going to be getting large amounts of items, let me know and either you or I can call the cannery to verify that they have everything you need in stock etc.

Click here to sign up to be put in a group.

Click here to see the cannery food list.


Bring Light into the Dark

If you are like me, you have flashlights, but can't always find them or their batteries.  So when the lights go off, you are rushing around trying to figure out where you put everything.  Even my little stash of "hidden" flashlights gets raided by either my hubby or the kids and then I can't find anything.

Here is an idea that Sister Mitchell passed on from her mother-in-law.  If you have solar lights that you use for outside lighting around your drive way, deck, or flower bed etc.  You can place them in a drink bottle (20 oz, liter, or 2 liter) and then bring them inside to light up a room.  It will light up for hours and then you just put it outside to recharge again before you need it.  If you are worried about your bottle tipping over, you can place marbles or sand into the bottom and that should do the trick.

I thought that was a great idea and thought I would share!  If you already have flashlights and batteries, make sure that you 1. know where they are, and 2. test them every couple of months to make sure they still have enough juice to stay lit!

Things to Do With Wheat

I stand humbly corrected over my post last week. There is a LOT that you can do with wheat!  Sister Grange shared the following link with me and if you are looking for ways to use your wheat, check it out!

From Sister Grange:

There are many uses for wheat besides making it into flour. You don't even need a wheat grinder to use wheat in many ways.  Best way is to cook the wheat berries (aka the whole grain) soak for about 24 hours, then give them a cook in the crock pot.  You can package the cooked wheat berries into ziploc bags- 1-2 cup portions that you can take out of the freezer and add to recipes as needed.   Use cooked wheat just like you would rice!

This recipe is for basic cooked wheat- only difference I add is to soak the wheat berries, drain, and let them *just* start sprouting- this makes them way more nutritious and "wakes" the  wheat up releasing many more nutrients.

I tried the following recipe, and my hubby even liked it.  He said "This is pretty good, a little too chewy, but good."  If you know my hubby, he is REALLy picky so that is impressive. Next time I'll cook them longer and see if that works better for his palate.  The kids call cooked wheat my bugs. 

Follow this link to the recipe:  Wheat Berry & Vegetable Salad.  I liked it better if I put a little bit of salad dressing on it other than the dressing that it called for.  I'm not much of an oil and vinegar dressing person so I flavored it up with Ranch or Asian dressing and it just gave it that extra yum flavor.  

As I find more recipes that are good with wheat, I'll share them!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Homemade Window Cleaner

I have heard a lot from people lately about using vinegar as a cleaning agent.  I was running out of my windex, and I thought I would find out from my friend google another way of cleaning windows and here is what I found.

2 cups water
3 TBS vinegar
1/2 tsp dish detergent (liquid)

click here for the original site (they have 5 other recipe variations)

I placed it in my now empty windex bottle and it has worked well. I have to use a little bit more elbow work, but all in all it does a great job. I have also used it on my appliances and it cleaned stainless steel pretty well.  I used it on my bathroom counters and sinks and it does a great job.  So far I like it for a quick wipe down clean job.  Have you found anything that you like and want to share?  E-mail me and I'll try it out and let you know how it goes.

***For a good shine on mirrors, windows etc.  Use old newspaper or used telephone books.  I have been using my columbia flyer for this purpose. Unfortunately there aren't always enough pages.  If anyone has old phone books or old newspapers that they usually recycle, I would love to take some off your hands to add to my cleaning stash.  

Calculating Needs

It is hard to determine what a family needs for food storage.  The church has a calculator that can be used for your basic long-term food storage.  Click here to see it.  I typed in my family values and we should have 1800 pounds of grains and 360 pounds of legumes by the time my kids eat as adults.

This month, I would like for everyone to take some time and figure out what you would like to have in your long-term storage or if you already have one, make sure that you have enough for your family and decide what needs to be replenished.  Just focus on the basics grains, legumes and the other items offered by the church at the cannery.  Hopefully by next month we can start getting groups together to go and get or food storage started.

Remember the church has cautioned us to stay within a budget for food storage. Don't feel that you need to get it all at once, but obtain it little by little. It is not a thing to go into debt for.

Click here for the church link to foods they offer.  Make sure you plan for things that your family will eat.  If your husband like mine doesn't like red wheat, try the white.  If you don't have a wheat grinder and don't plan on getting one, you may want to focus on flour.  Do what works for your family!  You'll be blessed for doing your best and trying.

If you have any questions, suggestions, words of motivation etc.  Please contact me (Miriam).