Sunday, April 26, 2009


Welcome to:

Rachel Lee
Karin Lund

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Welcome to:
Dan & Tara Bogert
Erik & Jesse & Jaron Lacko
Kristina Lord
John & Kellyn Morris

Friday, April 17, 2009

Furniture and Household Supplies Needed

Monica Jackson needs furniture for her new house:
table & chairs
4 beds, preferably twin
She can use just about any household goods.
Contact Lorraine Mincer.

House/Dog Sitter Needed in May

I am going on a 10-day trip to Ireland in May and am looking for
someone to stay in my condo & take care of my dog while I'm gone. I
was thinking it would be a good opportunity for someone coming home
from college. If anyone is interested, please contact me. Pay: $150

Free Wooden Hangers

The clothing store Crazy 8 in the Columbia Mall that I work for is
giving away wooden hangers. The hangers come in 2 different sizes-
Baby and Kids up to about a size 14 (xl) kids shirt. There are both
shirt and pant hangers available. If you are interested in coming by
and getting some please contact me as soon as possible. They are good
quality hangers- we are just getting rid of them because the company
doesn't use them anymore. They will be thrown away really soon if they
are not taken. Anyone who wants any needs to be able to transport them
to their car so keep that in mind if you come to pick any up. You can
take as many boxes as you would like to have. Give me call soon if you
want any! Thanks, Michelle Dye

Moving Boxes Needed

Janae Ricks needs MOVING BOXES!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

May Enrichment Activity Details

Hands-on Budget Workshop, Service, and Chit-chat

You can come with nothing and it will still be beneficial, but you will be more productive if you can bring as much of the following as possible. You can keep everything as confidential as you wish.

-The amount of income received in March and/or April, and an estimate of the amount for May and for June.
-The amount spent in March and/or April and what it was spent on.
-The value of major assets and liabilities, such as your house, savings, and loans.
-A calculator, laptop, or whatever you use when you do your finances.

There are a few ways you can get your income and expense information if you don’t already track your expenses.

-Collect all bank, credit card, and other account statements for all of your financial accounts for at least a month. You may need to print them if you receive e-statements.
-Collect bills, receipts, checkstubs, and paystubs for a month. Also track cash spending.
-Use your 2008 tax return to estimate your monthly income.