Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Q and A

Got a question? Ask it here and let the combined wisdom of our wonderful Relief Society be shared. If it's really good, we can make a new post for it.


  1. I've got a box of random non perishable food I was going to put in the cubscouts collection boxes but then they were gone. Does anyone know of someplace I can drop off a food donation? It's been in my car for a few weeks now.

  2. I am looking for a new piano teacher for my kids-if any one has availability, please let me know!

  3. My name is Donita Zundel, and I teach beginning piano lessons. I'm looking for a few more students. Beginning adults are welcome! I charge $12 a lesson or $10 if there is more than one in a family. My phone is 410-799-3676, and is my email.
