Thursday, January 19, 2012

Living Providently

We are truly blessed to have apostles and prophets lead and guide us today.  President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a great talk to the priesthood in October 2011 General Conference entitled "Providing in the Lord's Way".  WOW!  What a great speaker.  You can click here to watch, read, or listen to it.  He focuses on church welfare the most, but he goes into self reliance as well.

I was called last month to be the Provident Living "Specialist" in the ward.  You will find that I'm not a specialist, but that I like most of you have the desire to learn more and do better!  That is my goal: 1. to provide well for my family now and in the future and 2. to pass along all the information that I find so that you in turn can care for yourselves and your families.  I definitely can't provide for the whole ward, but together we can make miracles happen in our own homes.

So what is "provident living".  I really didn't know the exact definition so I looked it up.

1.  having or showing foresight, providing carefully for the future.
2.  Characterized by or proceeding from foresight.
3.  Mindful in making provision
4.  Economical; frugal; thrifty

So the things that I will focus on sharing with you are ways that we can provide for the future and ways that we can be more economical/thrifty.

One thing that we need to remember is that "The temporal and spiritual are bound together" (Dieter F. Uchtdorf).  If we don't care for ourselves spiritually then we will have a hard time doing so temporally and vise versa.  The most important thing that we can do each day is turn to our Heavenly Father in prayer, study his teachings in the scripture, and then roll up our sleeves and get to work!  We may have to do a little less facebooking, scrapbooking, or napping in order to find the time to provide for our families futures, but it will be worth it. (Believe me I'm talking to myself too!).

 "Can we do it?  YES WE CAN!!"

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