Thursday, June 28, 2012

Heat Alert Is in Effect

There is a heat advisory in effect for the next several days!  I thought it would be important to share with everyone some tips for helping you and your families!  Make sure you DRINK a LOT!  If you aren't going to the bathroom a lot or your urine is dark then you are not getting enough fluids.  This can lead to heat exhaustion and could lead to heat stroke.  Click here for information about heat exhaustion. This can be very serious!!  Today I did some running around doing errands and didn't even think about anything. I was out and about from about 8:30 until 14:00 and I was so tired.  I hadn't been outside much except for going in and out of buildings. I finally crashed for a nap with my kids and when I got up I was dizzy and thirsty so I started drinking like crazy, and I think just that mild running around had caused me to start getting dehydrated!  So to be safe for you and your families DRINK, DRINK, DRINK!

Here is a great calculator that shows how much water you need to drink.  I thought it was interesting that with my weight doing nothing, I still needed 11 cups of water in extreme heat and 16 cups if only doing 60 minutes of working out and normal life i.e. chasing kids or walking a pet can be a workout!

Here is a website about heat and kids and how to keep them hydrated.  Kids do not need as much water as adults, but again monitor how much they are going to the bathroom and notice the color. If it is dark get them to drink more!  Water is the best, but if they don't like the flavor you can add a bit of juice or other things they like. Avoid straight juice and sodas because then you are getting extra calories and sodas really don't quench thirst. Popsicles are also great ways of hydrating.  If you have a nursing infant, nurse them often and if they are able to take a bottle you can give them bottles of water as supplements when you are running around and can't sit to nurse.  My 9 month old will get fussy and I realize "Oh, he's probably thirsty"  a sip can make a big difference!  Ice in a mesh bag food strainer is also a favorite! Chances are that if you are thirsty your kids are too!

Keep water bottles in your car!  My husband hates it because they roll around in the back, but if you get stranded with a flat or run out of gas, it is good to have something there. Plus, I have reached back and just grabbed one several times because I have forgotten to bring something.

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